The hospitality industry has seen a drastic shift in digital transformation and features such as contactless ordering are on the rise and these trends will only continue to increase. With Dinenamics, you can provide your guests with convenient, engaging, and contactless options, like mobile ordering and curbside pickup. This creates a seamless customer experience that increases loyalty in the form of frequent visits and higher preference over your competitors.
Dinenamics allows you to digitally transform your business, securely and efficiently. Our Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) is a digital ordering platform for multi-brand, multi-location restaurants, with customizable workflows to streamline operations, providing significant operational efficiency and substantial cost savings. Dinenamics enables full digital transformation with relevant, timely, dynamic digital content that can be made from anywhere and without resource constraints.
The Dinenamics SaaS platform drives significant operational efficiency and substantial cost savings. The hospitality industry will transform significantly in the next few years – The suite of technology that Dinenamics is delivering is simple and intuitive, easy to implement, and does not require large upfront payments. Our architecture quickly allows adding new digital channels.
January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021